our schedule
how do I book a class on the schedule?
First Time Hustler
Existing Hustler
All bookings take place on the Octiv app. If it is your first time at Hustle & Heart, you will first need to sign up via our website. Once you have signed up and made payment, you will be prompted via email to download the Octiv app. The first payment on our website activates your membership. Once you have purchased the package do not forget to book into the class on the app.
Please note if you have already signed up via our website, there’s no need to sign up again as your profile will already exist on the Octiv system. Use the email address and password that you have created on our website to log into the Octiv app. If you have forgotten your password, please click ‘forgot password’ on the app. All credits after your initial purchase from our website will take place on the Octiv app.
it's cool to be on time
Studio doors open 15 minutes before class starts. Studio doors close 5 minutes before class starts.
Studio doors open 15 minutes before class starts. Studio doors close 5 minutes before class starts.
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Our mails will keep you hustling! Be the first to hear about exclusive events, theme rides, new products, and more.